Boy, Oh Boy... I’m Exhausted

I always felt like I was always doing things on my own, Antonio worked the opposite schedule of me so we could keep AJ out of daycare. I always had him with me at work, at home, and what felt like every moment. I guess I never noticed how much those few hours that I had by myself at the grocery store after work, or just being able to go to the gym everyday made such a difference. 

I give all the single moms out there with no help or support a huge hug, because boy, am I tired.



Its not like I was never tired before, because as a mom I swear I alway am. But this new, extremely exhausting, to the point that all I want to do is sleep on the only days off I have, is a very new tired for me. It could be because I am away from home for long hours, mainly because commuting through Tampa is a nightmare itself, or because I don’t have those couple hours each week to just relax and find myself. It’s always all kid shows, all up and down getting something for someone, and so many middle of the night “mommy, look!”  


I don’t get how other people do this, have no support system. It’s heartbreaking to know that this is so many mommas out there. I have an amazing system, they just happen to be out of state until next month, but if you don’t have one and you’re near me, let me know! I’ll be here for you because no one should do this alone.


As much as Antonio annoys me, and as much as I get so irritated at our different parenting styles, I appreciate him so much. Even if it’s just taking one of the late night wake up calls, or having one trip to the grocery store in peace. It’s amazing!


So, is it June yet? Haha

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