Sometimes, Things Fall Into Place

I’ve had the weirdest week this past week and it’s kind of funny how it all played out. I started the week off with quitting a job I hated, only to end it with accepting one that I love. It really proves that things happen for a reason, and sometimes things will fall into place when they don’t feel like it. 


I found the perfect position for myself, utilizing everything that I have loved from all of my previous positions. I get to do graphic design, photography, social media management, marketing, administration and help others build their businesses and make their establishment the best to their brand. I’m excited to take a jump into the world of architecture and learn something new. Something that will keep me on my toes and keep me moving forward.


I’m beyond exited to start on Monday.  


On top of taking care of my job issues, I have also been having childcare issues. I found out that the place that I top picked to put AJ in has a limit on how long they can be there. When I accepted this new position, it put me over the 10 hours allowed a day with my commute to and from work. Which sucks, because they were perfect.


So, back to the drawing board I went.


Luckily, I found one along my commute that had an opening, top rated, great programs, speech pathologists and some great teachers that I met. The only bad thing was that it was more expensive than what we were expecting with the other, but I didn’t have to worry about speeding in rush hour traffic to get him in under 30 minutes for a 45 minute drive. I finally stopped feeling so stressed about making sure he was in a good place.


And it was stressful before this. 


I swear that finding a great place to put your child in is so hard. I’ve asked on Facebook groups (this was the most frustrating because no one reads I swear!), people I know in the area, and google. But finding the time to walk in and get the vibe of the environment was always the deal breaker for most places.


I was so glad that this wasn’t that case for me.


So, now that I finally have everything set in place, this move seems a little more official and finally real. The long distance between AJ and I will soon be over, Antonio will be down here shortly after, and we can start our life again. The chaos that has been these past two months will be done and everything will once again be back into place.

And I am so ready for that. 

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