The Nightmare of Mastering The Potty


Is there ever a way to get your child to not fight you with going potty? A handbook somewhere with all the tricks and secrets? I thought potty training was going to be this easy thing because AJ showed interest in it super early on, but it’s been a nightmare.  




Why is it that my child refuses to go poop on the dang toilet? Potty training him to pee was like nothing. We have an accident every once in a while, but I feel like that is normal with a toddler.  


But why can we not master poop! 


We can go on long car rides, we just made it to where we can sleep through the night without an accident, he lets us know when he has to go, you name it. He will pee in the toilet, standing up, on a tree, by a car, in a bush... but why does he refuse to poop on the toilet. 

Everything, and I mean every single little thing we’ve tried, has not worked. Bribery, a smaller kid toilet, letting him hang out on it. Nothing works.


I do not know why!! 


How can my child come up to me, tell me he has to take a shit, but then doesn’t want to go on the toilet. Straight up refuses to and will jump off the pot. He will straight up go and grab a pull-up just for him to take a dump in it while hiding in the corner. 


Is is this normal? 


Or is my child just a little, cute, infuriating weirdo? Emphasis on the cute portion. 


I keep hoping that that when we put him in daycare that he will start wanting to use it more, but it drives me insane right now. I know I should be patient and he will do it in his own time, but sometimes it’s hard.  

I know he’s just a tiny human, and we’re not perfect. Plus, he’s cute. So, I let it go in hopes that one day the potty will be mastered. 


But it in the meantime, please give me all of the ideas to help him overcome this weird fear of pooping like a respectable being.  

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