Where did this demon trinket come from?

I feel like the past decade has been a constant state of moving. Which, honestly, doesn’t bother me one bit. Or it used to not I should say. This year was a bit different, not the excitement to be someone new, and warm, again, but the process wasn’t thrilling like it normally was.


That’s probably because for the first time ever we were moving a family. Sure, it was fun and adventurous when it was just the two of us, pick up and randomly going somewhere new. I’m sure between the both of us we moved over 20 times in the 4 years he was in the military, thankfully my half was all in the same state since he was all over the country for his job. That was easy, but now there’s three. Plus dogs! It was a bit more chaotic than I was expecting. 

I never lie to people, and I totally admit that when we move, 90% of the stuff is mine... well my closet. I have a shopping problem and I’m okay to admit that, I was prepared for it. 


But not for AJ’s shit. (Pardon my French, but wholly moley!) 



He has more stuff than I was even remotely prepared for. How does one kid accumulate so many toys!!! And why do they all have to make noise as I try to hide them in bags to get rid of? I’m telling you, he found all of my hiding spots and those super loud, annoying toys that I took so much time to hide were right back out in the world, just taunting me. 




I swear it’s a child’s sixth sense to know that their toys are being put somewhere, because even at 3 a.m. when I am ever so quietly packing these demon things up, here comes AJ all doey eyed and ready to play with the exact devil trinket that I am attempting to be stashing in some box saying it’s going “night, night.”  They are smart little minions. 

They always seem to know which toy will make the most noise at the store, that it does require batteries, and the “it’s dead, we will have to get more” line is a lie. How does he figure it out? How does he know when I turn off his cars, lawnmowers, musical instruments, etc. all from another room.  


It’s magic. The parenting gods are laughing at me from their pedestals. 


I had to send AJ to his grandma’s house on my days off so I could pack in peace or face the wrath of these monstrosities. And even though I swear I turned them off the night before, they still were loud, making noises and taunting me through boxes. Do those things ever die? 

I can normally pack an entire house in a day, two tops. Do you know this took me weeks! And all the boxes I save up all year long to use to pack everything all went to AJ’s room. This was after I got rid of half of the stuff in it. I had to go to multiple stores to get more boxes or else I couldn’t finish packing. 


How do kids accumulate all this? 

I will never understand it.  


But, here’s to it being done. And I’m still exhausted thinking about it. Any tips, tricks, spells to getting rid of the abundance of demon trickets vandalizing your home? 

Tell me!!  

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