Vegan Pizza

I can never, nor would I ever want to, give up pizza. It is a staple in our household. Antonio and AJ could eat it everyday if I allowed them too. 

When I became a vegan, it was the one worry I had with converting. Well, that and tacos. (How I make these to come)  But luckily I have been able to find some great products to make a super delicious vegan pizza fast! (Like 15 minutes total fast)


If you wanted to, you could totally make your crust from scratch to make it healthier, but with our lifestyle that makes it impossible to do if I want dinner done before 7 p.m.  


So, I compromise.  


I was was able to find an amazing cauliflower crust in the freezer section at Publix. It is completely vegan, but has that great quality a pizza crust should have. Crunchy on the outside but soft and moist on the inside. I mean, you don’t want it to taste like you’re eating a dry cracker. So many crusts do that... yuck! 


This crust is so good, that even my non-vegan family can’t tell the difference. Which is the biggest hurdle in my lifestyle choice if I’m honest. I hate preparing multiple meals at the same time for everyone. This gives me a great way to make one easy meal that fits everyone’s tastes, and dietary requirements. Just add some meat for your fellow meat lovers if you want.

Now to talk about the hardest part in making a vegan pizza... Cheese.

I have tried numerous vegan “cheeses” out there. I’ve attempted to make my own. (Don’t ask how that went.. it was totally a fail.) And I’ve gotten to the point of not using cheese on pizza. 

But really, who likes that?

Thankfully, I was able to randomly come across the Follow Your Heart brand at the grocery store. It was just laying there one day and after so many attempts at other brands, I was just kind of like, “why not.”



Let me tell you, these things are amazing!


They taste great, they melt like real cheese, and of course no one can tell the difference. Huge bonus points for that. The days of sub par pizza finally came to an end.  


Now to finally make my slice slice of happiness. 


I personally mix my pizza with an assortment of veggies and herbs. Typically, I use banana peppers, tomatoes, spinach, oregano, parsley, and top with garlic, crushed red peppers and vegan parmesan. Toss in the over, and 10 minutes later dinner is served. 


 Bon appétit  

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