Trapped, With Nothing To Do

I’m not a very good homebody. Not at all. 

I take full advantage of my sagittarius self, and I have a need to always be moving, always finding a new adventure. Which is probably why I feel a need to travel so much. But, with a recent cross country move that is taking up much of my time settling, the traveling will have to wait a little bit. 

At least Tampa is fun to explore... unless it’s raining. Then, stuck inside, I resort to catching up on tv shows that I adore. 

Of course, when I have to stay in, my internet stops working.




So, here’s to being stuck inside with nothing to do until my workout class this evening. Normally, I’d take the dogs on a walk, or just research new photography session locations, but rainy days make that impossible. Mainly, because I don’t want my house to smell like wet dog, and I would prefer not to have to get my car detailed again if I can avoid that. 

If you can’t tell, I’m kind of lost out of my mind. I like having an occasional lazy day, but I don’t know what to do with myself with this extra free time. Maybe finally read a book again? 


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I’m only half joking when I say that.  

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